UTAR: New School, New Enviroment New Friends!

Shyh Yoong and Me!

kar hou in Facial Mask!

My Assignment group discussing in a Kopitiam!

Hey there readers/blog followers/ close friends/ relatives/ parents/ teachers/ strangers! Its been ages since I've updated blog (the last post was even incomplete XD). Even so, I'm adamant to continue sharing my life experiences with you all (my fellow readers!).

I've recently been admitted into UTAR (Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman) Kampar. Though its not my first choice to have my tertiary education, the institution has been kind to offer me a scholarship to continue my studies. Therefore I'm somewhat grateful for it one way or another.

Currently I'm taking a foundation course here eventually leading to a Banking and Finance degree course. From my experience here for the past weeks, I can tell you that the studying system here it TOTALLY different from secondary school. We are required to be independant in studying. We no longer get spoonfed through tuition classes but calls for discussion through groups and individual understanding of what is taught. CULTURE SHOCK!

Haha. For this trimester i'm taking a sum of 6 subjects. (English, P. Speaking, Economics, Accounting, Comp. Studies, Maths for Business and Social Science) I'm having a Mid-term exam on week 5 and a Final exam on the 14th week of the trimester. However, exams only accumulate half of our results. We are required to finish different tasks of group assignments for each subject which include doing research, analysing current data and plagraising other people's work (bloody-HaHa)!

Anyways, overall i'm enjoying my life here in Kampar. I'm living in a house rented fully to students. my house has 6 residents including me (Lee Kar Hou, Leong Kah Yen, Chris Yap, Teh Chu Chin, Kevin and YOURS TRULY!!). We are quite the rowdy bunch of guys and we enjoyed each other's company. We hold loads of so called "Family Activities". (Tuesday-Family CS night, Wed- Family pasar malam night, Fri- Family Basketball morning, Sun- Family dinner night).

The means of transport are limited to bicycle and motorcycle (only rich ppl have cars). Thats why whenever we go out, we would just unchain our bikes and ride to our heart's content!

Anyways, I don't think i should lengthen this post because currently I'm in Comp studies tutorial class (taking advantage of the teacher's ignorance) LOL. Anyways, he's staring at me suspiciously. Thank you for reading! I've uploaded some photos, hope you enjoyed it!


=karhou= said...

plzz..remove d photo plzz..

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Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
Hi there, I'm Adrian. Nice to meet you ^^ I've started this blog to keep is as an online diary and also a medium for me to express myself freely! Thank you and please enjoy!

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