Last Visit to Kem PLKN Tangkas Kendiri

Without doubt its my last visit to this place which has been the birth of many fond memories............

I've planned for this trip ever since i've left the NS camp on the 7th of May. Well at that time many of my friends said they were coming back as well but it turned out to be words without honour. Less than 10 of the early-leavers came back...... Was a quite dissappointing motion......

Anyways back to my narration. It was 7th June, a perfectly well weathered Sunday. My mom allowed me to drive the car (rare occasion) due to her frustration of the thought of waiting for me at the camp for 2 whole hours.......

Started my journey at 1.30pm to St. Michael's Institution to pick up Parvitra. It was a good location considering was suppose to pick up Louis and ah Tan as well but for other reasons, they couldn't make it that day. Ah Tan's reason was forgivable but Louis's allegedly "I have to finish a science project" reason leaves much room to be suspicious of......

Picked up Parvitra and after I waved a hand gesture at her mom, we started our hour long journey from Ipoh to Kuala Kangsar!

Nothing much happened during the drive there (excluding some reckless driving maneouvers- my maiden long distance drive ^^) we arrived safely (but a bit startled) at Kem PLKN Tangkas Kendiri.

Nothing much happened at the entrance gate..... Just had to explain my resons of visit to the guard and we're parked in the area in less than 5 minutes. My mom's a bit off colour that day so she stayed in the car with my sister (did I mention me sister came along as well?). Parvitra and I boldly walked to the canteen to meet up with our friends. Along the way meeting with various aquaintances!

When we were near the canteen "Adrian! Adrian!" could be heard just ahead..... A frenzy of crowding and pushing occured as I was forcefully "invited" into the canteen! Haha! It seems guys and girls from my own company was having a gathering in the canteen so it wasn't peculiar that they recognised my famillliar face.

Haha. Next comes the "photo taking session" as I was asked to posse for pictures with different guys and girls from my compaany! (regretted for not bringing my own camera). After that, comes chatting. We asked about each other. (was quite curious as several people including our Taiko Ah Kit was wearing signs around their neck saying "Saya Geng Budak nakal".) Chatted lightly and with concern as the bond we built was quite strong........ Details are too minute to be explained........

After that, they invited me to the classrooms to watch the rehearsals and meet the teachers. Was glad as I had the chance to meet up with teachers like Cikgu Roslan and Cikgu Ackbar. Nice people, most memorable trainers there for me !

Also were the malay dudes. Shook their hand and talked about the experienced we had in camp. Next, I went back to the dormitories to visit the chinese brothers! Was quite happy to see them and hugged them tightly. Asked them about the stuff I missed when I left (apparanty wasn't much).

Anyways, 2 hours came and passed quickly. My mom's getting a bit twitchy and asked that we go home soon (had to endure her lecture about not considering how she felt being there with nothing to do for two hours later during the journey back). Said my goodbyes to all my friends. Shook hands and hugged.....

And that was all....Nothing too special for a last visit but its etched in my mind to my grave.

Ah Jian, Ah Liang, Ah Kit, Li Zhang, Ah Guan, Ah Tan, Etienne, Liang Wei, Kennard, Kar Ting, Calvin, Pei San, Karen, Ling Hui, Emily, Kym, Jasmine, Eddy, Azlan, Ayam and Vicky.


P.S. Sorry to those I forget to mention as the library is closing and i have to get out of here ASAP!



misS omEi temBam~ said...

u in whch cmpny ha??

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Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
Hi there, I'm Adrian. Nice to meet you ^^ I've started this blog to keep is as an online diary and also a medium for me to express myself freely! Thank you and please enjoy!

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