It's a really thrilling day as I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST!!! I really can't believe it when i got the forms with a tick on the ''Lulus" "Lulus" "Lulus" boxes (instead of the "Kantas" one) !!

Haha! Today started early. I had to wake up around 6.30am (my usual time waking up since back from NS is 8.30am) and get myself ready (shower, brush teeth......).


My mom just came back from driving my sister to school and she took me out for breakfast! It was a nearby coffee-shop. After finishing our "Loh-Mee" my mom paid for both our food and drinks and continued our journey to LSA (the place where I'm taking the driving the test).

By the time we reach LSA, its 7.58 sharp. Both my mom and I got down and waited for Mr Loo (my driving instructor) to finish the prosedure and I lined up for the queue card.

Well, At this moment it feels like LSA is a place where old aquaintances meet.......

Its like everytime I take a test here, there's some old friend here..... Happened during:-
-my first Undang-undang lesson
-my Undang-undang test
-my driving class+lesson
-my trial driving test

its like a big LOL......

Today the guy I met was none other than Goh Cheow Keat ( I forgot his name but later asked Lai Choon Kit *yet aother friend I met in LSA later*). Cheow Keat was one of the guys I go tuition with in Puan Chang's class during my Primary school days. I greeted him with a friendly smile and our conversation just started to flow (mostly bout our NS experiences).

After a few minutes Lai Choon Kit appeared (another tuition friend from Hamdan's). I took initiative again and greeted him with a loud "Hey!". Haha. The whole affair is quite comical if you were in my shoes. I didn't expect to meet anyone I know while taking a test in LSA (as its a school day and the probability and everything.......).

However, it certainly lighted up my heart!

Haha, we chatted while waiting for our numbers to be called for the driving test. It was quite the long wait but it felt quite short due to the fact we were having conversations reminicing the past!

My mom was waiting by the stands having light conversations with some other adults while waiting for me. THANK YOU MOM!

The test finally started at 9.45am (1hr and 45min wait.....=.=''). We were seated for a short briefing and finally the test starts!

Five "kancils" were parked infront of the slope. So the first five candidates had to step into the car and prepare themselves for the test. surprisingly the first five did it without any hitches or glitches.

My Queue card is D4 10 which means i'm the tenth! Cheow Keat went before I did (he's D4 08).
Anyways, he was just 2 "kancils" in front of me. At this point, I should be feeling nervous, having a high heart rate and sweating like a pig....... But I wasn't. It was actually quite peculiar....... I wasn't nervous nor scared. Its like feeling calm, tranquil, serene and confident due to the enormous amount of time I took to learn how to drive. The period of 5 months........

Anyways..... I did it without any problems. The invigilator just wave his hand to indicate i succeeded in doing the slope test. Okay, next -Three point turn and side parking!

Well, I remember Mr Loo's teachings (scoldings) and reminders (lectures) and did it quite nicely. The invigilator once again waved his hand lazily giving me permission to vacate the parking place. I drove with confidence to join the queue of "kancils" because I know I've passed both tests!

After that I saw my mom sitting on the bench grinning proudly while giving me a thumbs up! Tee hee! "bangga"! I went to the invigilator and got my forms signed! I was told to wait at the "pondok" for the road test and I just walk towards the "pondok".

Once again, my forms were checked my the guy there (dunno what's his position) and I had to wait for my tester to arrive. I sat next to Cheow Keat and we chatted lightly bout NS stuff. 10 minutes passed and the bearer of bad news arrived. Choon Kit came into our "pondok" with a long face.

"I failed the slope test" said Choon Kit.

And both of us try to comfort him immediately. He was nearly intears because he would have to take the test again next week. Also he was the one who pointed the route on our forms. Cheow Keat and I was HORRIFIED as we were given the "D" route.

OMG our instructors haven't taught us the D route! We quickly excused ourselves to the toilet and quickly read and memorise the D route map hanged on the board just nearby the toilet. We were both frustrated and experasted because we DON'T KNOW the route. I quickly phoned my instructor Mr Loo and told him my predicament. He reassure me that it'll be okay, I just have to tell the driving tester that I've forgotten bout the D route and I'll take the E1 route instead.

My mind was in certain disbelieve that my instructor would ask me to lie to the instructor. I was also suspicious of Mr Loo's order as I'm not sure if it'll work.

Anyhow.....My road test passed without any major problems. The only thing my tester chatise me about is the handling of my clutch pedal as I tend to release it quickly causing it to jerk (phew.....what a long sentence).

After the 20 minute drive, we stopped the car back at LSA and the tester handed me the previous form.



I couldn't hide my joy and kept on thanking her !

When I got out the car, my mom could see fromt he expression on my face that I've passed!!! Its such joy! And my mom was so proud of me! Haha! She even waited for me throughout the 3 hours I was there in LSA!


Haha. Cheow Keat and I passed our driving test on the same day! Its just the unlucky Choon Kit planning to take the test again the following monday.

Anways, once again I PASSED!!!!



Henceforth ending my hermitisation...........'Cuz I'm legally able to DRIVE!!!

Getting my licence in JPJ tomorrow. Couldn't wait!

MESG: good luck Lai Choon Kit! You can do it!


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Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
Hi there, I'm Adrian. Nice to meet you ^^ I've started this blog to keep is as an online diary and also a medium for me to express myself freely! Thank you and please enjoy!

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