Journey to London (part1 - still in malaysia)

Well, what is there to say about my journey here?


Its my first time travelling alone to a country which is 10900 Km from home, I've seen and experienced a lot throughout it and I'm not quite sure where to start actually. Xp

Alright then, I'll start my narration from the beginning when I woke up at 3a.m on the 17th of February. (Pray that this doesn't get too boring, LOL)

I woke up at approximately 3 in the morning. Had a breakfast, showered and changed my clothes. It didn't take too long as I've arranged all my garments on my bed the previous night. Obviously I was tired as I only had an hour of sleep due to mixed feelings and emotions (anxious, excited, scared, exhilarated.........)

My parents fared worse as they claimed not to have any sleep at all due to their worries about me (awww.... that's nice mom and dad).

Anyways, we packed my luggage in the boots of my mom's purple Vios and my my dad drove us to the Star Shuttle bus headquarters in Bercham around 4a.m.

Thats the start of the first leg of my journey! Even so, that's not nearly the half of it.
(readers: groan.... this is getting boring)

It didn't take long for the bus to be parked in front of the star shuttle headquarters. My luggage was lugged onto the bus's luggare compartment by one of their personel. This is where my parents and I parted ways for the time being.

I huggged my dad first then my mom. I even told her 'I love you' (which was quite touching cuz' I haven't told her that in ages......) This is where my parents and I have different emottions and thoughts.

I would describe myself as a bird who has just learned how to fly yearning to soar the wide blue skies whlist my parents were well...... typical parents which are afraid that I would fall and hurt myself. Therefore reluctant to let me go but did so anyway because they know that I'm old enough to take care of myself by myself and I could learn from this experience

Sometimes, It takes a parting to make family ties tighter

(at least that's what I think.....)

The bus would take me straight to KLIA (Kuala Lumpur International airport) in about 2 and 1/2 hrs. Even though I was fatigue, I couldn't get much of a wink on the bus. It could be a good thing though as I remembered to give someone a wake up call on her request the previous night!

However I'm not sure if I manage to wake her up cuz' she didn't pick up any of my 9 calls.

This part of my journey was uneventful and I reached KLIA at 7.30a.m.

Being in KLIA was a bit creepy as the whole airport was so MASSIVE but there were not much people (unlike LCCT 'Air Asia Terminal' which was packed even though the place is so small).

There weren't much people until I reached the Check-in area which was very busy. I had to ask the information counter staff before locating the counter for my flight. After checking-in my luggage, I proceed directly to Immigrations and and passed through quickly through the M'sians counters (which is more than half of the counters there).

After passing through immigrations, its the DUTY-FREE area. This must be the happiest word if my mother and sister were here. Haha, but they're still in Ipoh. =P

By then it was 8.40am and my stomach was hungry. I scouted around for the cheapest restaurant and settled for Burger King. I'm not a fan of burger though but since it's the cheapest, I decide to give it a try.

After ordering my food, I sat on a table at the edge of Burger King. I toke my time leisurely enjoying my food while watching people from different race, culture and ethnics walking by. Some could be seen as families taking their children on vacations and others clearly business people wearing suits and tie with a commanding facade.

It wasn't scary though being by myself. I feel independant which is a great boost to my below-average confidence and self-esteem.

I could say that I'm proud of myself.

After finishing my chicken tenders and draining th last drops of my Ice Lemon tea, I calmly pick up my hand-luggage (back-pack) and walk towards the boarding area. Since my flight departs at 1045a.m., the terminal for my boarding area hasn't been opened because it was only 940a.m.

So I took this oppurtunity to phone my parents and grandparents to inform that I'm okay. Their voices shows a mix of concern and relief at the same time knowing that I'm OK.

After finishing my phone call, the boarding area has been opened and I queue up for the last baggage check up. Its something like an X-ray into your bags locating suspicious or dangerous objects.

Somehow my bag contains something deemed DANGEROUS which was missed by the previous baggage check at the immigrations-A pair of scissors.

You'll probably know what happens next. I was asked to remove the scissors from my bag and I was confiscated without question. Seeing my expression of reluctance in handing over my scissors, the woman officer said 'sorry, Its just flight regulation'.

I obliged anyway......

I'm already in the boarding area now and my plane was clearly visible through the transparent windows (walls of the whole terminal structure) of the terminal. After waiting for 10 minutes or so, all passengers waiting in the boarding zone were asked to board the plane.

I followed the other passengers and queued up to board the plane.

to be Continued with 'Journey to London (part 2- on the plane)'


Christy said...

U called 10 times not 9 =P
And she don even know she got phone calls XD

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Ipoh, Perak, Malaysia
Hi there, I'm Adrian. Nice to meet you ^^ I've started this blog to keep is as an online diary and also a medium for me to express myself freely! Thank you and please enjoy!

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